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lunedì 30 novembre 2015

Comprendre "Mauro Biglino" en français / Capire Biglino: tradotto in francese

Finalmente un video dove anche le persone di lingua francese potranno capire Biglino. Grazie a Tiziana, l'interprete, che traduce volta per volta in una "video-conferenza" a tre con una emittente televisiva francese.
Enfin une vidéo, où même ceux de langue française puissent comprendre Biglino. Avec Tiziana, la délicieuse talentueuse interprète, qui traduit, de temps à autre, "direct", dans une "vidéo-conférence" à trois, avec une chaîne de télévision française.



Le genese revisitée: Annunaki, Nibiru

LIVRE: La Bible comme vous ne l'avez jamais lue : les dieux sont-ils venus des étoiles ?
Cette interprétation de la Bible s'écarte des lectures juives et chrétiennes traditionnelles en montrant que les textes relatent l'arrivée d'extraterrestres, les dieux élohims, qui seraient, d'après Mauro Biglino, les véritables créateurs de l'espèce humaine. 
©Electre 2015

Mauro Biglino (born September 13, 1950, Torino) is an Italian essayist and translator.

Student of the history of religions, specialized in the translation from ancient Hebrew, he has translated the Masoretic text for the publisher Edizioni San Paolo. He was interviewed by the Italian national television and several radio stations.
The assumptions arising from his translations
For Biglino, through direct analysis of the Hebrew texts of the Bible, knowledge and understanding of religious thought is today more accessible. Biglino translates literally what he reads in the Old Testament, deliberately ignoring those aspects of the faith, reserved for the personal sensitivity. Biglino therefore proposes an examination of the Old Testament through the literal translation of the Hebrew text, the Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia. In particular, he emphasizes the technological knowledge of those who, according to the author, would have created man in his own image and likeness. Furthermore, he shows that, in the biblical texts, there are references to alien craft - or at least to devices built using technologies not known at the time and not compatible with the level of technological knowledge of the period - and the presence of beings from other planets. In addition to the UFO theories, he exposes translations that differ in form and in content from those adopted by the major religions. In his book "The Bible is not a holy book," the author focuses on how the divinity, spiritually speaking, would not be present in the Old Testament, and also questions possible changes to the text during the centuries.

Other theorists before Biglino
Although the work of Biglino is original, several other authors have theorized the alien presence in the sacred texts. Among these Erich von Däniken, Zecharia Sitchin, Walter Raymond Drake, Mario Pincherle, Peter Kolosimo, Father Barry Downing, Father Enrique Lopez Guerrero, Corrado Malanga, and Biagio Russo. Erich von Däniken is one of the main supporters of the ancient astronaut hypothesis, he translated mainly from the Greek and Latin but not from the Hebrew, while Zecharia Sitchin translated from Sumerian sources.

  • Cinque Meghillôt: traduzione interlineare italiana, in: P. Beretta (Ed.), Cinque Meghillôt : Rut, Cantico dei cantici, Qoelet, Lamentazioni, Ester : ..., Edizioni San Paolo, 2008, ISBN 9788821563010
  • Chiesa Romana Cattolica e Massoneria, come traduttore, Uno Editori, 2009, ISBN 9788897623151
  • Resurrezione reincarnazione, Uno Editori, 2009, ISBN 9788897623175
  • I profeti minori: traduzione interlineare italiana, in: P. Beretta (Ed.), I profeti minori = [Sefer Tere ʻaśar] : libro dei dodici profeti ..., Edizioni San Paolo, 2010, ISBN 9788821566479
  • Il libro che cambierà per sempre le nostre idee sulla Bibbia, Uno Editori, 2010 - ISBN 9788897623106
  • Il Dio alieno della Bibbia, Uno Editori, 2011, ISBN 9788897623076
  • Non c'è Creazione nella Bibbia, Uno Editori, 2012, ISBN 9788897623557
  • La Bibbia non è un libro sacro, Uno Editori, 2013, ISBN 9788897623755
Books translated in other languages:

  • English: {{{1}}}The book that will forever change our ideas about the Bible, ebook format, Uno Editori, 2013
  • Czech{{{1}}}Přišel Bůh z vesmíru? Důkazy jsou přímo v Bibli, Práh, 2013, ISBN 9788072524471
  • French{{{1}}}La Bible comme vous ne l'avez jamais lue, Atlantes, 2014, ISBN 236277015X
  • French{{{1}}}Le Dieu de la bible vient des étoiles: de la traduction littérale des codex hébraiques initiaux, Nouvelle Terre, 2014, ISBN 9782918470120

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